Comment of the phone number 800-888-9616

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800-888-9616 is a spoofed number* for a scam - they want you to log on to a webstie that contains a virus that attempts to steal your ID and banking informaion. (I got such a call and instead of going to the website, I called Verizon customer service directly - I am no longer a Verizon customer so knew something was bogus - - and they told me what was going on.)
*Spoofed calls. For ten cents a call, you can spoof almost any number except a hospital or First Responder. The FCC says these are "harmless prank calls" and refuses to do anything about it. The purveyors of this spoofing service are apparently "above the law" and claim no responsibility for the actions of their "clients" - at one time I received a spoofed call where the number being spoofed was actualy a very large telemarketing firm in my city. I called them and asked about the calls and they essentially repeated what the FCC said - only until some moron spoofs a congessman's phone number will they continue to get away with it. Once some congress critter becomes the victim you can bet the FCC will change policy and go after these scum bags.
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