866-466-4482 The United States of America or Canada

  • (866) 466-4482 8664664482 +1 866 466 4482 Other number formats:
  • 676 Number of search:
  • 1/13/2025 Last searched:
  • Rating:
    5 - Negative
  • 1 Number of comments:
  • 6/25/2014 Last comment:

If you received a strange call or unwanted SMS message from the phone number 866-466-4482, or just came across this number and you do not recognize it and want know who called you, you are not probably the only one. On this page, you can see the comments of the phone number 866-466-4482 from other people. If the phone number is often searched, so you can possibly find out who owns the number 866-466-4482 and other information about phone numbers.

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User comments of the number 866-466-4482

date comment
These guys operate from outside of the United States in Pakistan (you know, the country that was hiding Osama Bin Laden only 10 miles from a major military base near their capital). They have data mined information on people, usually debts that have been completely written of or have passed the statute of limitations, and call you to try to extract more information and confirm what info they already have, i.e. name, current address, work number and location. They then fraudulently create a fictional debt and demand payment, harassing you by calling you constantly at all hours (a violation of the law), calling you at work (a violation of the law) and mailing demand letters to you (mail fraud). The problem is, since they operate from outside the U.S., it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible for the FBI or Postal Inspectors to prosecute them; they would have to specifically identify each individual, connect them to a specific call or letter, charge them, request extradition (which isn't going to happen with Pakistan) and fly them back to the U.S. for a trial. Just one would be exorbitantly expensive, and this disgusting scum of a company has its' employees make hundreds of calls a day. The solutions: 1. don't answer when you see it is them 2. If you do answer, give them an obviously fictitious name, like Hillary Clinton and your address is the last beach house on the left in Key West. 3. While talking to them and giving them fictitious information, start talking in a sultry voice and tell the caller you are getting aroused and ask them what they are wearing. Tell them you are wearing a see-through scuba suit with a starfish thong, which has a strategically placed blowhole. 4. Do a Lil Jon on them; ( if you don't know it, google it). Every time they ask something, yell "WHHHAAAAATTTTT!?", then respond to whatever they say next with "OOOOOOHHHHHHHHKKKAAAAAAAAAYYYY!". 5. Lastly, you can gently place the phone against your genitals, leaving it there until they hang up, thus performing a metaphysical "Blow me" to these unwashed, disgusting detritus of foul and incestuous DNA.

Worked for me! Have fun!
Debt collection company Negative