0660018 The United States of America or Canada

  • 754 Number of search:
  • 10/22/2024 Last searched:
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    5 - Negative
  • 1 Number of comments:
  • 11/16/2013 Last comment:

If you received a strange call or unwanted SMS message from the phone number 0660018, or just came across this number and you do not recognize it and want know who called you, you are not probably the only one. On this page, you can see the comments of the phone number 0660018 from other people. If the phone number is often searched, so you can possibly find out who owns the number 0660018 and other information about phone numbers.

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User comments of the number 0660018

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All of these "international" scam calls use IP phone services as such there is always a delay before communication takes place.

So when you answer the phone and Say "Hello" and there is no immediate response, just hang up.

Now dial 1471 and see who called you.

I have a 100% success rate at this game, the number is always either some crazy international number like this one or from a network that has no number, i.e. probably a Skype like system.

Oh, in the unlikely event that you do end up speaking to one of these Muppets, look on it as an opportunity for either fun, or education.

I have several games I play (usually internal UK calls that do respond immediately) sales calls who shouldn't be calling as I'm in TPS or the likes.

Put them through your security - The game is to see exactly how much info you can get out of them before they hang up or play at how high up their corporate ladder can you get with who's who starting with their supervisor.

or Everybody likes to talk about themselves, get them of their script and talk about anything but what they are supposed to be talking to you about.

or the "How did you get this number?" you are through to Ministry of Justice Office, on a private encrypted judicial business line, now who exactly are you? Don't dare put this phone down or we will be forced to arrest you... See how stupid they are, start the timer

or Who are you? I'm police inspector Roy Richardson, this is a murder scene, now how do you know the deceased?

Unknown Negative

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